WLAN RTL8723BE frequently disconnects

Solution 1:

Linux does not support this card properly and it never will. I have the same wifi card too,I tried EVERYTHING and yet still doesn't work even with the latest kernel. The card is more than 2 years old. I don't think they will support it properly anytime soon. I also tried with external wifi cards,none of them did work,the kernel keeps enabling the RTL8723BE. My advice is to stay on Windows or buy a new laptop.

Solution 2:

I was able to get the wlan 100% working - no disconnects anymore on Ubuntu 16.04 with the wireless card RTL8723BE (However, only tested on HP 350 G2 for 1 month).

Here are the steps:

Step 1 Remove the rtl8723be.conf file, if you have created it by reading all the other posts here on the site about this card.

sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723be.conf

Step 2 Update the driver

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hanipouspilot/rtlwifi
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rtlwifi-new-dkms

Step 3 Disable Legacy Support in Bios like this:

Bios -> Boot Option (Enter) -> Legacy Support: Disabled

enter image description here

Thats it. Now it should work!

How I found that out

I was first doing Step 1 and Step 2 (they have been suggested already in https://askubuntu.com/a/635629/247771), but I still had a disconnect all 20min - 2hours. In the answer Pilot6 suggested to add again the rtl8723be.conf file, but when doing it, the wlan was complete broken. I tried some of the configurations of that file, but none really helped. So in the end, I simply removed rtl8723be.conf again. I then scrolled down and found the solution (Step 3) by reading this answer which said one should remove Windows 10 fastboot. I don't have windows 10, so I could not remove fastboot. But I was looking if I could disable something else in the Boot Options. This is how I found it out. Can't belive that this works. This problem was bugging me for month.