How can I interpret a windows dmp file analysis using Windbg?

For a really quick high level information set try:

!analyze -v

This will give you a bunch of related information, including a detailed stack trace.

The windows team blogs are pretty useful resources, the article at the link below goes into some good detail on what this particular command does:

Debug 101: What does !analyze do? - Microsoft Tech Community

Also check the NTDebugging blog for extremely detailed articles.

Your 'tcpip.sys' can be using a buggy network driver. Try to uninstall it (or them) and see what happens.

Also it can be buggy itself: with proprietary software you never know what is really happening :) But at the first glance Attempt to read from address ffffffffffffffff is very strange: looks like pointer arithmetics error.

To read the output, you need to know WinAPI. Try to Google for the functions you meet: like IppFlushNeighborSet(). This can help you to understand what's happening, and maybe it'll point on something.