Is it a good practice to have logger as a singleton?

I put a logger instance in my dependency injection container, which then injects the logger into the classes which need one.

This is getting annoying too - it is not DRY

That's true. But there is only so much you can do for a cross-cutting concern that pervades every type you have. You have to use the logger everywhere, so you must have the property on those types.

So lets see what we can do about it.


Singletons are terrible <flame-suit-on>.

I recommend sticking with property injection as you've done with your second example. This is the best factoring you can do without resorting to magic. It is better to have an explicit dependency than to hide it via a singleton.

But if singletons save you significant time, including all refactoring you will ever have to do (crystal ball time!), I suppose you might be able to live with them. If ever there were a use for a Singleton, this might be it. Keep in mind the cost if you ever want to change your mind will be about as high as it gets.

If you do this, check out other people's answers using the Registry pattern (see the description), and those registering a (resetable) singleton factory rather than a singleton logger instance.

There are other alternatives that might work just as well without as much compromise, so you should check them out first.

Visual Studio code snippets

You could use Visual Studio code snippets to speed up the entrance of that repetitive code. You will be able to type something like loggertab, and the code will magically appear for you.

Using AOP to DRY off

You could eliminate a little bit of that property injection code by using an Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) framework like PostSharp to auto-generate some of it.

It might look something like this when you're done:

public ILogger Logger { get; set; }

You could also use their method tracing sample code to automatically trace method entrance and exit code, which might eliminate the need to add some of the logger properties all together. You could apply the attribute at a class level, or namespace wide:

public class MyClass
    // ...

// or

[assembly: Trace( AttributeTargetTypes = "MyNamespace.*",
    AttributeTargetTypeAttributes = MulticastAttributes.Public,
    AttributeTargetMemberAttributes = MulticastAttributes.Public )]

Good question. I believe in most projects logger is a singleton.

Some ideas just come to my mind:

  • Use ServiceLocator (or an other Dependency Injection container if you already using any) which allows you to share logger across the services/classes, in this way you can instantiate logger or even multiple different loggers and share via ServiceLocator which is obviously would be a singleton, some kind of Inversion of Control. This approach gives you much flexibility over a logger instantiation and initialization process.
  • If you need logger almost everywhere - implement extension methods for Object type so each class would be able to call logger's methods like LogInfo(), LogDebug(), LogError()

A singleton is a good idea. An even better idea is to use the Registry pattern, which gives a bit more control over instantiation. In my opinion the singleton pattern is too close to global variables. With a registry handling object creation or reuse there is room for future changes to instantiation rules.

The Registry itself can be a static class to give simple syntax to access the log:


A plain singleton is not a good idea. It makes it hard to replace the logger. I tend to use filters for my loggers (some "noisy" classes may only log warnings/errors).

I use singleton pattern combined with the proxy pattern for the logger factory:

public class LogFactory
    private static LogFactory _instance;

    public static void Assign(LogFactory instance)
        _instance = instance;

    public static LogFactory Instance
        get { _instance ?? (_instance = new LogFactory()); }

    public virtual ILogger GetLogger<T>()
        return new SystemDebugLogger();

This allows me to create a FilteringLogFactory or just a SimpleFileLogFactory without changing any code (and therefore complying to Open/Closed principle).

Sample extension

public class FilteredLogFactory : LogFactory
    public override ILogger GetLogger<T>()
        if (typeof(ITextParser).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(T)))
            return new FilteredLogger(typeof(T));

        return new FileLogger(@"C:\Logs\MyApp.log");

And to use the new factory

// and to use the new log factory (somewhere early in the application):
LogFactory.Assign(new FilteredLogFactory());

In your class that should log:

public class MyUserService : IUserService
    ILogger _logger = LogFactory.Instance.GetLogger<MyUserService>();

    public void SomeMethod()
        _logger.Debug("Welcome world!");