Preventing google search for custom top-level domain

How can I prevent safari to redirect the user to the google search page for addresses with custom top-level domains?

Given an address of the type http://application.test where test is a primary zone on our intranet, if I enter either:

  • http://application.test
  • application.test/

Then Safari correctly resolves the name and opens the page, if I enter:

  • application.test

Then Safari assumes it is a search query and redirects the user to the google search page.

Is it possible to prevent this in any way which does not involve the user itself?

Solution 1:

To just avoid connecting to Google, open Safari's preferences, click on "Search" and then change the search engine to something else.

To prevent that domain from going to any search engine, add a Safari bookmark with the full URL (including the http:// or https:// protocol). Once the domain is bookmarked it should come up when the user begins typing the name in the address bar.

The user's machine will still need a way to route traffic to the custom domain, either via DNS settings, or by adding an entry to the /etc/hosts file on the user's machine.