How can I remove an Online Account?

Is it possible to remove accounts shown in the screen below?

enter image description here

enter image description here

Solution 1:

Open a terminal and check which account plugin packages are installed :

dpkg --get-selections | grep account-plugin

  • When you want to remove the Unity Flickr account plugin execute :

sudo apt purge account-plugin-flickr libaccount-plugin-flickr

  • When you want to remove the Unity Google account plugin execute :

sudo apt purge account-plugin-google libaccount-plugin-google

Update addressing the requested information in the comment below

In earlier editions of Ubuntu (14.04/16.04) the libaccount-plugin packages don't exist, so

  • to remove the Flickr account plugin execute : sudo apt purge account-plugin-flickr

  • to remove the Google account plugin execute : sudo apt purge account-plugin-google

Solution 2:

If you are using the Gnome DE and don't use Online accounts at all you can remove the package itself with sudo apt-get remove gnome-online-accounts if you want to remove the entire package along with any configuration data you can use the command sudo apt-get purge gnome-online-accounts
