Removing OS from Dual Boot computer, and recovering HD space.

I have a computer that dual boots Linux Mint, and Ubuntu, I am wondering what the best way would be to remove Linux Mint, then recovering the hard drive space that is resides in so that Ubuntu will be able to access it.

Solution 1:

Here are steps to claim space from Mint partition.

  1. Login to Ubuntu
  2. Start gparted: sudo gparted. If not available, then install it.
  3. Find the Mint partition and format it

    Or delete it and create a new partition.

  4. If Mint has modified (taken control of) your boot loader, then :

    1. Boot from live USB/CD for Ubuntu
      • I use the same version. I have no idea how different versions of Ubuntu would work especially 32/64 bit differentiation.
    2. Open Terminal.
    3. If you don't know the drive where Ubuntu is installed, use sudo fdisk -l, which will list partitions. Note down the one with root. Boot will be indicated by a star (*). Assuming your root (/) partition shows /dev/sdaX, where X is a number.
    4. Execute:

      sudo mount /dev/sdaX /mnt
      sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
      sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
      sudo chroot /mnt
    5. Assuming you have only one HDD and it is sda, execute:

      grub-install /dev/sda # Note there is no X here 
    6. Once it is installed unmount all

      sudo umount /mnt/dev
      sudo umount /mnt/proc
      sudo umount /mnt
  5. Remove USB so you can boot from HDD, then reboot.