ZFS pool not mounting correctly; can't find all files

I have a ZFS pool (mirrored RAID) on two disks that I've transferred from a FreeBSD 11.0 server into an Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS server.

After importing the pool, I see:

zroot                993G   790G   104K  /mnt/zfs
zroot/ROOT           989G   790G    96K  none
zroot/ROOT/default   989G   790G   989G  none
zroot/tmp            140K   790G   140K  none
zroot/usr           3.37G   790G    96K  none
zroot/usr/home      2.15G   790G  2.15G  none
zroot/usr/ports      640M   790G   640M  none
zroot/usr/src        608M   790G   608M  none
zroot/var           1.66M   790G    96K  none
zroot/var/audit       96K   790G    96K  none
zroot/var/crash       96K   790G    96K  none
zroot/var/log        476K   790G   476K  none
zroot/var/mail       840K   790G   840K  none
zroot/var/tmp         96K   790G    96K  none

What I expect to see is a fully-populated directory tree under /mnt/zfs on the Ubuntu system, containing 993GiB of files. What I see instead is a partially-populated tree of directories, with no files inside them:

$ tree /mnt/zfs
├── tmp
├── usr
│   ├── home
│   ├── ports
│   └── src
└── var
    ├── audit
    ├── crash
    ├── log
    ├── mail
    └── tmp

I'm pretty sure I'm missing something fundamental here.

Attempt #1: Setting a mountpoint for ROOT, as per @Zoredache's suggestion, just results in an empty ROOT directory:

$ sudo zfs set mountpoint=/mnt/zfs/ROOT zroot/ROOT
$ tree /mnt/zfs
└── ROOT

Attempt #2: Setting a mountpoint for ROOT/default, as per @user121391's suggestion, also yields an empty directory:

$ sudo zfs set mountpoint=/mnt/zfs/ROOT zroot/ROOT/default
$ tree /mnt/zfs

0 directories, 0 files

Attempt #3: Mounting an individual directory seems to work, as per @user131391's other suggestion:

$ sudo zfs set mountpoint=/mnt/zfs/usr/home zroot/usr/home
$ tree /mnt/zfs
└── usr
    └── home
        └── duncan
            ├── tmp
            │   ├── code
            └── usb

17978 directories, 67539 files

Which is great, but unfortunately that's no help. The files I'm after are under /usr/local/, which doesn't appear in the result of zfs list. The space is clearly being used, though, if you look at the sizes:

zroot/ROOT/default   989G   790G   989G  none
zroot/usr           3.37G   790G    96K  none

Attempt #4:

Further information for Michael Kjörling:

$ sudo zfs set mountpoint=/mnt/zfs/ROOT zroot/ROOT/default
$ sudo zfs get mountpoint,mounted zroot -t filesystem -r
NAME                PROPERTY    VALUE          SOURCE
zroot               mountpoint  none           local
zroot               mounted     no             -
zroot/ROOT          mountpoint  none           local
zroot/ROOT          mounted     no             -
zroot/ROOT/default  mountpoint  /mnt/zfs/ROOT  local
zroot/ROOT/default  mounted     no             -
zroot/tmp           mountpoint  none           local
zroot/tmp           mounted     no             -
zroot/usr           mountpoint  none           local
zroot/usr           mounted     no             -
zroot/usr/home      mountpoint  none           local
zroot/usr/home      mounted     no             -
zroot/usr/ports     mountpoint  none           local
zroot/usr/ports     mounted     no             -
zroot/usr/src       mountpoint  none           local
zroot/usr/src       mounted     no             -
zroot/var           mountpoint  none           local
zroot/var           mounted     no             -
zroot/var/audit     mountpoint  none           local
zroot/var/audit     mounted     no             -
zroot/var/crash     mountpoint  none           local
zroot/var/crash     mounted     no             -
zroot/var/log       mountpoint  none           local
zroot/var/log       mounted     no             -
zroot/var/mail      mountpoint  none           local
zroot/var/mail      mounted     no             -
zroot/var/tmp       mountpoint  none           local
zroot/var/tmp       mounted     no             -
$ tree /mnt/zfs

0 directories, 0 files

Solution 1:

zroot and zroot/ROOT don't contain any files, they are just containers for the other data.

The bulk of your data is in zroot/ROOT/default.

The other zfs filesystems should inherit their mountpoint from zroot (not sure how this information got lost in the transition from FreeBSD to Ubuntu):

zfs inherit mountpoint zroot/tmp
zfs inherit mountpoint zroot/usr
zfs inherit mountpoint zroot/usr/home
zfs inherit mountpoint zroot/usr/ports

... and so on (it may be possible to do a -r on this but I haven't checked).

The only zfs filesystem which should have a mountpoint of none is zroot/ROOT:

zfs set mountpoint=none zroot/ROOT

After doing all this, you'll need to export and re-import the pool, and mount the filesystems in the correct order:

zpool export zroot

Import the pool to the new mountpoint but don't actually mount anything:

zpool import -a -N -r /mnt/zfs

Mount the root pool:

zfs mount zroot/ROOT/default

Mount everything else:

zfs mount -a

Solution 2:

Check the MOUNTPOINT column. It looks like there are no mountpoints for anything. You might want to try setting mountpoints for your datasets.

For example I believe this would mount zroot/ROOT to /mnt/zfs/ROOT.

zfs set mountpoint=/mnt/zfs/ROOT zroot/ROOT

I don't know enough about ZFS to tell you why this wouldn't happen automatically, or if it should when importing onto a Linux system.