Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP but it's not cross-domain

I've had luck starting chrome with the following switch:


On os x try (re-type the dashes if you copy paste):

open -a 'Google Chrome' --args -allow-file-access-from-files

On other *nix run (not tested)

 google-chrome  --allow-file-access-from-files

or on windows edit the properties of the chrome shortcut and add the switch, e.g.

 C:\ ... \Application\chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files

to the end of the "target" path

If you’re working on a little front-end project and want to test it locally, you’d typically open it by pointing your local directory in the web browser, for instance entering file:///home/erick/mysuperproject/index.html in your URL bar. However, if your site is trying to load resources, even if they’re placed in your local directory, you might see warnings like this:

XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///home/erick/mysuperproject/mylibrary.js. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP.

Chrome and other modern browsers have implemented security restrictions for Cross Origin Requests, which means that you cannot load anything through file:/// , you need to use http:// protocol at all times, even locally -due Same Origin policies. Simple as that, you’d need to mount a webserver to run your project there.

This is not the end of the world and there are many solutions out there, including the good old Apache (with VirtualHosts if you’re running several other projects), node.js with express, a Ruby server, etc. or simply modifying your browser settings.

However there’s a simpler and lightweight solution for the lazy ones. You can use Python’s SimpleHTTPServer. It comes already bundled with python so you don’t need to install or configure anything at all!

So cd to your project directory, for instance

1 cd /home/erick/mysuperproject and then simply use

1 python -m SimpleHTTPServer And that’s it, you’ll see this message in your terminal

1 Serving HTTP on port 8000 ... So now you can go back to your browser and visit with all your directory files served there. You can configure the port and other things, just see the documentation. But this simply trick works for me when I’m in a rush to test a new library or work out a new idea.

There you go, happy coding!

EDIT: In Python 3+, SimpleHTTPServer has been replaced with http.server. So In Python 3.3, for example, the following command is equivalent:

python -m http.server 8000

You need to actually run a webserver, and make the get request to a URI on that server, rather than making the get request to a file; e.g. change the line:


to read something like:


and the initial request page needs to be made over http as well.