Why did my oxygen run out in FTL?

I was attacked in an ion storm (sensor and 50% power) and my O2 was damaged. I repaired it and killed the intruders but my O2 kept running down and everyone died. There were no fires.

Why would that happen?

Solution 1:

A couple things could have caused this:

  • Did you leave your doors open leading to the outside?

  • Did you have a breach in your starship?

  • Was your O2 powered?

Further update what probably happened was you entered an ion storm which made you use 50% of your power, at this time your oxygen was unpowered and led to your death when it was never given power again.

Solution 2:

When you run across the "nebula storm" event, your reactor power is reduced by 50%, and the ship will depower quite a lot of your systems as a result. It's highly likely that your Oxygen system had it's power removed for the duration of the fight. Having the system damaged means that even if it was powered previously, that power went back into the reactor pool and you likely powered up something else with it.

Additionally, when you jump out, the ship sometimes doesn't repower all your systems, even though your reactor power is restored. It helps to double check everything one jump after a nebula storm to ensure that all of your systems have come back online properly.