Macports cccc terminates when run - how to solve

One tool I really appreciate when analyzing source code for software is Sourcemonitor, but unfortunately it is only available on windows. Having searched around for alternatives on my mac, it seems that cccc is a tool that fits the bill.

I installed it via macports but it terminates when I run it. This is the error I get:

libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception
Abort trap: 6

Does anyone know of a way to fix this error?

Because I don't know your story, there's possible issues which can be found over Google:

  1. You've installed MacPorts then upgraded your OS
  2. You've installed MacPorts then upgraded XCode where produced ABI by compiler has been changed (such as migration from gcc to clang)
  3. You've built some libraries from ports with one compiler, other part with different one (e.g. some library has been built with clang and later you've switched to gcc).

In these cases the best you can do is reinstalling your MacPorts from scratch without mixing compilers.