My Ubuntu 16.04 keeps disconnecting from the Wi-Fi (eduroam). Why?

Solution 1:

I suspect that your wireless card is attempting to roam to another instance of eduroam from among the several that I suspect are nearby. Confirm:

sudo iwlist scan

You can also check:

dmesg | grep assoc

I think you will find that your card is trying to associate with one and then another instance of eduroam. They will each have a distinct MAC address; something like a4:2b:b0:dc:45:99 and a4:2b:b0:dc:45:88 or some such. If that is the case, you may have better luck if you bind Network Manager to the MAC address of the strongest access point: Ubuntu connect drops. Worked for a while then started dropping again

Solution 2:

See this discusssion on the Arch Linux forum.

The problem seems to be the use of dhcpcd. In the discussion it is suggested to use dhclient instead. See the discussion for detailed instructions.