Benchmarking of USB flash drive

I will appreciate if you can tell me some tools for ubuntu 14.04 LTS, that can measure transfer speed of USB flash drive. I need two or more programs to compare the results and if I can choose the size of the file that would be great.

Use built-in program disks from ubuntu launcher, select your pendrive, click on gear icon, and select benchmark option to run read/write speed test

I know it's a bit old of a post but! You could try the following:

sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/sd

I've used this on multiple occasions with good success. Nice and easy. Not to mention built in.

You could also use the dd command:

dd if=/dev/zero of=./largefile bs=8k count=10000

I'd recommend reviewing the link below though for using the dd command for testing. This is what I've referenced before for testing with dd.

It talks about how you have to adjust the bs option depending on the size of the USB you are testing.