SPF broken by forwarding on the recipient side : what do?

I run an SMTP server with SPF enabled, and I need to email users from a list of academic addresses. Thing is, these addresses are used to forward emails to the end user. And SPF breaks forwarding, as I figured out the hard way (554 5.7.9 errors from Yahoo).

As far as I can think, I am left with few options :

  1. Ask sysadmins to implement SRS or other workarounds.
  2. Add these MX domains as authorized SPF domains ;
  3. (Temporarily ?) disable SPF.

All these options have serious downsides. Are there other options ?

Solution 1:

SPF is broken there, so the only reasonable policy is a mx ?all. Anything else will result in a long list of whitelisted or blacklisted ips.

Solution 2:

As far as I'm aware, the only option is SPF Sender Rewriting Scheme.