Does the series $\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{\sin n}{\ln n+\cos n}$ converge?

$$\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{\sin n}{\ln n+\cos n}$$ My guess is "yes", but I can't prove it.

Solution 1:

This method was inspired by the OP's heuristic argument in a comment to the question. We approximate the summand by Taylor polynomials, but with more and more terms as $n$ grows.

We need the fact that for every integer $k\ge1$, $$ \bigg| \sum_{B\le n< C} \sin n \cdot \cos^k n \bigg| = O(k^7) $$ uniformly for integers $B<C$. To see this, verify that $\sin n \cdot \cos^k n = q_k(e^{in})$, where $q_k(t)=\sum_{j=-k-1}^{k+1} c_{k,j}t^j$ is a Laurent polynomial with no constant term that satisfies $\sum_{j=-k-1}^{k+1} |c_{k,j}| = 2^{-k}\binom{k}{\lfloor k/2\rfloor} \le 1$. Then \begin{align*} \sum_{B\le n< C} \sin n \cdot \cos^k n &= \sum_{B\le n< C} q_k(e^{in}) \\ &= \sum_{j=-k-1}^{k+1} \sum_{B\le n< C} c_{k,j}e^{ijn} = \sum_{j=-k-1}^{k+1} c_{k,j} \frac{e^{ijC}-e^{ijB}}{e^{ij}-1}, \end{align*} so that $$ \bigg| \sum_{B\le n< C} \sin n \cdot \cos^k n \bigg| \le \sum_{j=-k-1}^{k+1} |c_{k,j}| \frac{2}{|e^{ij}-1|}. $$ The fact that $\pi$ has an irrationality measure of less than $8$ (Salikhov, 2012) means that $|e^{ij}-1|\gg j^{-7}$. Therefore $$ \bigg| \sum_{B\le n< C} \sin n \cdot \cos^k n \bigg| \ll k^7 \sum_{j=-k-1}^{k+1} |c_{k,j}| \ll k^7. $$

Also note that for any positive integer $A$ and any real number $x\in[-\frac12,\frac12]$, $$ \frac1{1+x} = \sum_{k=0}^{A-1} (-x)^k + r(x) $$ where $|r(x)| \le |2x|^A$ (a consequence of Taylor's theorem).

Now we establish the convergence of the series in question by showing that it is Cauchy, i.e., that $$ \sum_{n=M}^N \frac{\sin n}{\log n+\cos n} \to 0 $$ as $M\to\infty$ (and $N>M>e^{2e^2}$, say). For each $n$, we choose $x=\frac{\cos n}{\log n}$ and $A=\lceil{\log n}\rceil$, giving $$ \sum_{n=M}^N \frac{\sin n}{\log n} \bigg( \sum_{k<\log n} \bigg( -\frac{\cos n}{\log n} \bigg)^k + s(n) \bigg) $$ where $|s(n)| \le |2\frac{\cos n}{\log n}|^A \le (\frac2{\log n})^{\log n} \le \frac1{n^2}$ for $n>e^{2e^2}$. Therefore the contribution from $\sum_{n=M}^N \frac{\sin n}{\log n}s(n)$ is $O(\frac1M)$. As for the other terms, we can write \begin{multline*} \sum_{n=M}^N \frac{\sin n}{\log n} \sum_{k<\log n} \bigg( -\frac{\cos n}{\log n} \bigg)^k = \sum_{k<\log M} (-1)^k \sum_{n=M}^N \frac{\sin n \cdot \cos^k n}{\log^{k+1} n} \\ + \sum_{\log M<k<\log N} (-1)^k \sum_{e^k < n \le N} \frac{\sin n \cdot \cos^k n}{\log^{k+1} n}. \end{multline*}

Let $S_k(t) = \sum_{n\le t} \sin n \cdot \cos^k n$, which is $O(k^7)$ as noted above. Then \begin{align*} \sum_{B<n\le C} \frac{\sin n \cdot \cos^k n}{\log^{k+1} n} = \int_B^C \frac{dS_k(t)}{\log^{k+1} t} &= \frac{S_k(t)}{\log^{k+1} t} \bigg|_B^C + (k+1) \int_B^C \frac{S_k(t)}{t\log^{k+2} t}\,dt \\ &\ll k^7 \bigg(\frac1{\log^{k+1} B} + (k+1) \int_B^C \frac1{t\log^{k+2} t}\,dt \bigg) \\ &\ll k^7 \frac1{\log^{k+1} B}. \end{align*} In particular, \begin{align*} \sum_{n=M}^N \frac{\sin n}{\log n} \sum_{k<\log n} \bigg( -\frac{\cos n}{\log n} \bigg)^k &\ll \sum_{k<\log M} \frac{k^7}{\log^{k+1} M} + \sum_{\log M<k<\log N} \frac{k^7}{\log^{k+1} e^k} \\ &\ll \sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{k^7}{\log^{k+1} M} + \sum_{k=2}^\infty \frac1{k^{\log M-6}}, \end{align*} and both these series tend to $0$ as $M\to\infty$ by the dominated convergence theorem.

Solution 2:

Why not just write $$\frac{\sin n}{\log n + \cos n} = - \frac{\sin n}{\log n } \left(1- \frac{1}{1 + \frac{\cos n}{\log n }} \right) + \frac{\sin n}{\log n } $$ The first term gives an absolutely convergent series, since $$ \left| \frac{\sin n}{\log n } \left(1- \frac{1}{1 + \frac{\cos n}{\log n }} \right) \right| \sim \left| \frac{\sin 2n}{2 \log^2 n} \right| \leq \frac{1}{2 \log^2 n} $$ And for the second term, the Dirichlet criterion applies because $\frac{1}{\log n}$ is decreasing to $0$. Thus the series converges.

Solution 3:

This is not an answer, but some computational "evidence". Below is a plot of the values of the sum for up to $20.000$ summations. As can be seen in the picture, the sum oscillates for a very long time, but one might guess that the oscillations die away because of the $\ln n$-term, after a very long time. What can be concluded however, is that if the answer is "no", then it is not because the sum tends to infinity, but because of the oscillations.

enter image description here