Ansible double loop in hostvars
I want to loop over the variables of all the hosts of a specific group.
With the following data in hostvars (simplified):
"server1": {
"group_names": ["web"],
"sites": {
"website1": { "id": "site1", "domain": "..." }
"website2": { "id": "site2", "domain": "..." }
"server2": {
"group_names": ["web"],
"sites": {
"website3": { "id": "site3", "domain": "..." }
I want on an third server (the database server) create all the db:
- name: create databases
- mysql_db:
name: "{{ }}"
- with_subelements:
- "{{ groups["web"] }}"
- "{{ hostvars[item.0]['sites']
This doesn't work, I have the error: {"failed": true, "msg": "'item' is undefined"}
How should I write the role ?
Here are some jinja magic for you:
localhost ansible_ssh_host= ansible_connection=local
host1 sites="{'web1':{'id':'z1'},'web2':{'id':'z2'}}"
host2 sites="{'web3':{'id':'z3'}}"
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
- debug:
msg: "Site name – {{ item.key }}, id - {{ }}"
with_dict: "{{ dict(groups['web'] | map('extract',hostvars,'sites') | map('dictsort') | sum(start=[]) | list) }}"
I do dictsort->sum->dict
trick, because your sites
object is a dictionary (not list) and it's not that easy to iterate over nested dicts.