Is there a way of setting a property once only in C#

Solution 1:

There is direct support for this in the TPL in .NET 4.0;

(edit: the above sentence was written in anticipation of System.Threading.WriteOnce<T> which existed in the "preview" bits available at the time, but this seems to have evaporated before the TPL hit RTM/GA)

until then just do the check yourself... it isn't many lines, from what I recall...

something like:

public sealed class WriteOnce<T>
    private T value;
    private bool hasValue;
    public override string ToString()
        return hasValue ? Convert.ToString(value) : "";
    public T Value
            if (!hasValue) throw new InvalidOperationException("Value not set");
            return value;
            if (hasValue) throw new InvalidOperationException("Value already set");
            this.value = value;
            this.hasValue = true;
    public T ValueOrDefault { get { return value; } }

    public static implicit operator T(WriteOnce<T> value) { return value.Value; }

Then use, for example:

readonly WriteOnce<string> name = new WriteOnce<string>();
public WriteOnce<string> Name { get { return name; } }

Solution 2:

You can roll your own (see the end of the answer for a more robust implementation that is thread safe and supports default values).

public class SetOnce<T>
    private bool set;
    private T value;

    public T Value
        get { return value; }
            if (set) throw new AlreadySetException(value);
            set = true;
            this.value = value;

    public static implicit operator T(SetOnce<T> toConvert)
        return toConvert.value;

You can use it like so:

public class Foo
    private readonly SetOnce<int> toBeSetOnce = new SetOnce<int>();

    public int ToBeSetOnce
        get { return toBeSetOnce; }
        set { toBeSetOnce.Value = value; }

More robust implementation below

public class SetOnce<T>
    private readonly object syncLock = new object();
    private readonly bool throwIfNotSet;
    private readonly string valueName;
    private bool set;
    private T value;

    public SetOnce(string valueName)
        this.valueName = valueName;
        throwIfGet = true;

    public SetOnce(string valueName, T defaultValue)
        this.valueName = valueName;
        value = defaultValue;

    public T Value
            lock (syncLock)
                if (!set && throwIfNotSet) throw new ValueNotSetException(valueName);
                return value;
            lock (syncLock)
                if (set) throw new AlreadySetException(valueName, value);
                set = true;
                this.value = value;

    public static implicit operator T(SetOnce<T> toConvert)
        return toConvert.value;

public class NamedValueException : InvalidOperationException
    private readonly string valueName;

    public NamedValueException(string valueName, string messageFormat)
        : base(string.Format(messageFormat, valueName))
        this.valueName = valueName;

    public string ValueName
        get { return valueName; }

public class AlreadySetException : NamedValueException
    private const string MESSAGE = "The value \"{0}\" has already been set.";

    public AlreadySetException(string valueName)
        : base(valueName, MESSAGE)

public class ValueNotSetException : NamedValueException
    private const string MESSAGE = "The value \"{0}\" has not yet been set.";

    public ValueNotSetException(string valueName)
        : base(valueName, MESSAGE)

Solution 3:

This can be done with either fiddling with flag:

private OneShot<int> setOnce;
private bool setOnceSet;

public OneShot<int> SetOnce
    get { return setOnce; }
            throw new InvalidOperationException();

        setOnce = value;
        setOnceSet = true;

which is not good since you can potentially receive a run-time error. It's much better to enforce this behavior at compile-time:

public class Foo
    private readonly OneShot<int> setOnce;        

    public OneShot<int> SetOnce
        get { return setOnce; }

    public Foo() :

    public Foo(OneShot<int> setOnce)
        this.setOnce = setOnce;

and then use either constructor.

Solution 4:

C# 9 has this feature build in. It is called Init only setters

public DateTime RecordedAt { get; init; }

Solution 5:

No such feature in C# (as of 3.5). You have to code it yourself.