Modify Nginx 301 response body

There's a great post about custom error pages at the following URL. The following is an abbreviated version of how it can be used to remove nginx branding from the 301 and 302 HTTP responses.

One NGINX error page to rule them all


http {

  map $status $status_text {
    301 'Moved Permanently';
    302 'Found';

  server {

    server_name _;

    error_page 301 302 /error.html;

    location = /error.html {
      ssi on;
      auth_basic off;
      root /var/website/custom_error_pages;

    root /var/website/empty_dir;
    location / {
      return 301$request_uri;


    <!--# echo var="status" default="000" --> - <!--# echo var="status_text" default="Error" -->

create file 301.html, this file should contains content which you want to display. If path to file is /usr/share/nginx/html/301.html adjust config to:

server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  localhost;

    location / {
        error_page 301 = /301.html;
        return 301   https://$host$request_uri;

    location /301.html {
        root /usr/share/nginx/html/;


And this will return your custom 301.html file