Compare multi-digit version numbers in bash

Trying to write a script that searches for the version of the Application then returns the value. My problem is the value is three to four intergers long (example 4.3.2).

I have searched for a while and can't find any syntax that would allow you to use a != or -ge for anything higher than a number with periods in it. Just wondering if anyone has a better way or I will just keep adding for every version release.

What I want

else if [ $version1 -ge "9.0.8" ]; then

How it is written now

vercheck=`mdls -name kMDItemVersion /Applications/`
version=`echo ${vercheck:17}`
version1=`echo ${version:1:5}`


else if [ $version1 = "9.0.8" ]; [ $version1 = "9.1.1" ]; then
    echo "You already have this version or a higher version installed"
    exit 0

I believe I adapted this slightly from I like it because it's fairly compact and readable.

This is optional, but desirable IMO:

if [ "$#" != "2" ]
    echo "$0 requires exactly two arguments."
    exit 2

Here's the meat:

I always use $1 for "the locally installed version" and $2 for "the version I am comparing against" so if this leaves me with $? = 1 I need to update, otherwise I'm up-to-date (or even ahead):

function version { echo "$@" | awk -F. '{ printf("%d%03d%03d%03d\n", $1,$2,$3,$4); }'; }

if [ $(version $1) -gt $(version $2) ]; then
    echo "$1 is newer than $2"
    exit 0
elif [ $(version $1) -lt $(version $2) ]; then
    echo "$1 is older than $2"
    exit 1
    echo "$1 is identical to $2"
    exit 0

If all you cared about was whether $1 was up to date (that is, equal to or greater than $2) you could make it even simpler:

if [ $(version $1) -ge $(version $2) ]; then
    echo "No Newer Version Available"
    exit 0

Any code below that will only be executed if there is a newer version available. Otherwise the script will exit cleanly at that point.

p.s.: I do this in /bin/zsh not /bin/bash but I don't think it makes a difference in this case.