Configure Node.js to log to a file instead of the console
Can I configure console.log
so that the logs are written on a file instead of being printed in the console?
Solution 1:
You could also just overload the default console.log function:
var fs = require('fs');
var util = require('util');
var log_file = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/debug.log', {flags : 'w'});
var log_stdout = process.stdout;
console.log = function(d) { //
log_file.write(util.format(d) + '\n');
log_stdout.write(util.format(d) + '\n');
Above example will log to debug.log and stdout.
Edit: See multiparameter version by Clément also on this page.
Solution 2:
Update 2013 - This was written around Node v0.2 and v0.4; There are much better utilites now around logging. I highly recommend Winston
Update Late 2013 - We still use winston, but now with a logger library to wrap the functionality around logging of custom objects and formatting. Here is a sample of our logger.js
Should be as simple as this.
var access = fs.createWriteStream(dir + '/node.access.log', { flags: 'a' })
, error = fs.createWriteStream(dir + '/node.error.log', { flags: 'a' });
// redirect stdout / stderr
Solution 3:
If you are looking for something in production winston is probably the best choice.
If you just want to do dev stuff quickly, output directly to a file (I think this works only for *nix systems):
nohup node simple-server.js > output.log &
Solution 4:
I often use many arguments to console.log() and console.error(), so my solution would be:
var fs = require('fs');
var util = require('util');
var logFile = fs.createWriteStream('log.txt', { flags: 'a' });
// Or 'w' to truncate the file every time the process starts.
var logStdout = process.stdout;
console.log = function () {
logFile.write(util.format.apply(null, arguments) + '\n');
logStdout.write(util.format.apply(null, arguments) + '\n');
console.error = console.log;
Solution 5:
Winston is a very-popular npm-module used for logging.
Here is a how-to.
Install winston in your project as:
npm install winston --save
Here's a configuration ready to use out-of-box that I use frequently in my projects as logger.js under utils.
* Configurations of logger.
const winston = require('winston');
const winstonRotator = require('winston-daily-rotate-file');
const consoleConfig = [
new winston.transports.Console({
'colorize': true
const createLogger = new winston.Logger({
'transports': consoleConfig
const successLogger = createLogger;
successLogger.add(winstonRotator, {
'name': 'access-file',
'level': 'info',
'filename': './logs/access.log',
'json': false,
'datePattern': 'yyyy-MM-dd-',
'prepend': true
const errorLogger = createLogger;
errorLogger.add(winstonRotator, {
'name': 'error-file',
'level': 'error',
'filename': './logs/error.log',
'json': false,
'datePattern': 'yyyy-MM-dd-',
'prepend': true
module.exports = {
'successlog': successLogger,
'errorlog': errorLogger
And then simply import wherever required as this:
const errorLog = require('../util/logger').errorlog;
const successlog = require('../util/logger').successlog;
Then you can log the success as:`Success Message and variables: ${variable}`);
and Errors as:
errorlog.error(`Error Message : ${error}`);
It also logs all the success-logs and error-logs in a file under logs directory date-wise as you can see here.