How do I turn off the spell-check in Google Chrome on OSX?

As documented here, Google Chrome has an automatic spell-check built in, and it is possible to disable it for certain fields temporarily.

Can it be disabled for all sites?

Solution 1:

On OS X the checkbox is now under Edit -> Spelling and Grammar. Note that the browser must be focused on a text box for the menu entry to be enabled.

On my system the checkbox appeared as set only after I restarted Chrome. The red lines disappeared immediately as I unchecked it.

disable spellchecking

Solution 2:

Go to Chrome Settings (Enter chrome://settings/ in address bar)

Click on Advance Settings and then click on Language and Input settings and then untick the Enable spell checking check box.

Solution 3:

Enter chrome://settings/languages in the address bar

A dialogue box will open listing the installed languages.

At the bottom is a tickbox labelled Enable Spell Checking.

Untick the box. This should disable spell checking everywhere.

Screenshot of dialogue