Using MS ReportViewer in WPF

Solution 1:

Yes, that works, I am using the WindowsFormsHost in a wpf project to wrap the ReportViewer.

In the ViewModel I am creating the WindowsFormsHost and the ReportViewer:

WindowsFormsHost windowsFormsHost = new WindowsFormsHost();
reportViewer = new ReportViewer();
windowsFormsHost.Child = reportViewer;
this.Viewer = windowsFormsHost

and in the View I am using a ContentPresenter to display it, by binding to the Property that holds the WindowsFormsHost.

 <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding Viewer}" ...

We're using the Business Intelligence Studio (which is an Visual Studio 2008 with templates for editing reports) for report creation.

Take care,

Solution 2:

We've definitely had success just using the WindowsFormsHost. I haven't been involved in creating the RDLC files themselves, but I believe they were designed (as you say) in a WinForms project and then copied across.

Note that if you don't need local reports you can use a WPF Frame control and point it at the URL of the server-based report (it renders it like a web browser would). This works really well for us too.

Solution 3:

Please note that you can use both WPF-Windows and Windows-Form-Windows in the same application.

So you can avoid using WindowsFormsHost if you put the ReportViewer in a seperate Windows-Forms-Window that you open from your WPF-Window with ShowDialog.

Then you can use the ReportViewer also at design time.