Importing Solr Cores from one old Solr to another

Solution 1:

If you have an already existing Solr index and you want to try new settings, it is best to work and test on a copy Solr’s index first. Here are the simple steps to make a copy of your Solr’s index: Suppose we have already an index named cast and the copy will be named LuckBox.

  • Make new directory under solr (e.g. LuckBox)
  • Copy the entire directories conf and lib from cast to LuckBox.
  • Make new directory called data under the new directory LuckBox.
  • Add to solr.xml your new index name <core instanceDir=”LuckBox” name=”LuckBox” />
  • Restart Jetty (e.g. sudo /etc/init.d/jetty restart)

  • Go to http://localhost:8983/solr/LuckBox/admin/dataimport.jsp?handler=/dataimport

    1 : click on Reload-config
    2 : click on Full-import
    3 : continue to next step only after the status became “idle” (by clicking on Status).
    • Test your new index by: http://localhost:8983/solr/LuckBox/select/?q=:&start=0&rows=10&indent=on