Show/hide fields depending on select value

Solution 1:

Try something like this:

<select id="viewSelector">
   <option value="0">-- Select a View --</option>       
   <option value="view1">view1</option>
   <option value="view2">view2</option>
   <option value="view3">view3</option>

<div id="view1">
  <!-- content --> 
<div id="view2a">
  <!-- content --> 
<div id="view2b">
  <!-- content --> 
<div id="view3">
  <!-- content --> 

then in the jQuery:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $.viewMap = {
    '0' : $([]),
    'view1' : $('#view1'),
    'view2' : $('#view2a, #view2b'),
    'view3' : $('#view3')

  $('#viewSelector').change(function() {
    // hide all
    $.each($.viewMap, function() { this.hide(); });
    // show current

Solution 2:

There are a few different ways you could do this. The simplest is to have a few separate fieldsets, each one containing a single group of fields. Then, in jQuery, dependent on the select-menu's value you can show/hide these fieldsets, e.g.

<fieldset id="f1">
    <input name="something1" />
    <input name="something2" />
    <input name="something3" />
<fieldset id="f2">
    <input name="something4" />
    <input name="something5" />
    <input name="something6" />
<select name="fieldset-choice">
    <option value="f1">Fieldset 1</option>
    <option value="f2">Fieldset 2</option>

<script type="text/javascript">
        var fieldsetName = $(this).val();
        $('fieldset').hide().filter('#' + fieldsetName).show();

    // We need to hide all fieldsets except the first:

Note: For the above technique to be entirely unobtrusive you might want to dynamically build the select-menu with the names of all the different fieldsets.

Alternatively you can prefix each fields name with a meaningful prefix, and then hide/show according to that attribute:

<input name="group1-name1" />
<input name="group1-name2" />

<input name="group2-name3" />
<input name="group2-name4" />
<input name="group2-name5" />

<select name="field-choice">
    <option value="group1">Group 1</option>
    <option value="group2">Group 2</option>

<script type="text/javascript">
        var groupName = $(this).val();
        $('input').hide().filter('[name^=' + groupName + ']').show();

    // We need to hide all fields except those of the first group:

Solution 3:

To fire up the code on load, just add .change(). As shown below...

$(document).ready(function() {
  $.viewMap = {
    '0' : $([]),
    'view1' : $('#view1'),
    'view2' : $('#view2a, #view2b'),
    'view3' : $('#view3')

  $('#viewSelector').change(function() {
    // hide all
    $.each($.viewMap, function() { this.hide(); });
    // show current

Solution 4:

My 2 cents : I needed to show/hide fields depending on many previous select value (not only one).

So I add a parent attribute to div fields like this :

<div id="view" parent="none">
<select class=selector id="view">
<option value="0"> -- Make a choice --</option>
<option value="s1">sub 1</option>
<option value="s2">sub 2</option>
<option value="s3">sub 3</option>

<!-- you need to define the parent value with the value of parent div id -->
<div id="s1" parent="view">
<!-- if you want to have a selector be sure it has the same id as the div -->
<select class=selector id="s1">
<option value="0">-- Make a choice --</option>
<option value="s1_sub1">sub 1 of s1</option>
<option value="s1_sub2">sub 2 of s1</option>
<option value="s1_sub3">sub 3 of s1</option>

<!-- Make the same thing for s2 and s3
Define div s2 here

Define div s3 here

<!-- and finally if that's your final step you put what you want in the div -->
<div id="s1_sub1" parent="s1">
You are inside s1 sub1

Now the jquery code :

$(document).ready(function() {

 $('select[class=selector]').change(function() { 
    //next div to show
    var selectorActive = $(this).val();
    //div where you are 
    var parentValue = $(this).attr("id");

   //show active div and hide others
    $('div').hide().filter('#' + selectorActive).show();

    while (parentValue!="none") {
      //then show parents of active div
      $('div[id=' + parentValue + ']').show();
      //return the parent of div until "none"
      parentValue = $('div[id=' + parentValue + ']').attr("parent");


// print only the first div at start


That's works like a charm and you don't need to define maps

I hope this will help