gcc makefile error: "No rule to make target ..."

I'm trying to use GCC (linux) with a makefile to compile my project.

I get the following error which is can't seem to decipher in this context:

"No rule to make target 'vertex.cpp', needed by 'vertex.o'.  Stop."

This is the makefile:

a.out: vertex.o edge.o elist.o main.o vlist.o enode.o vnode.o
    g++ vertex.o edge.o elist.o main.o vlist.o enode.o vnode.o

main.o: main.cpp main.h
    g++ -c main.cpp

vertex.o: vertex.cpp vertex.h
    g++ -c vertex.cpp

edge.o: edge.cpp edge.h
    g++ -c num.cpp

vlist.o: vlist.cpp vlist.h
    g++ -c vlist.cpp

elist.o: elist.cpp elist.h
    g++ -c elist.cpp

vnode.o: vnode.cpp vnode.h
    g++ -c vnode.cpp

enode.o: enode.cpp enode.h
    g++ -c node.cpp

That's usually because you don't have a file called vertex.cpp available to make. Check that:

  • that file exists.
  • you're in the right directory when you make.

Other than that, I've not much else to suggest. Perhaps you could give us a directory listing of that directory.

In my experience, this error is frequently caused by a spelling error.

I got this error today.

make[1]: *** No rule to make target maintenaceDialog.cpp', needed bymaintenaceDialog.o'. Stop.

In my case the error was simply a spelling error. The word MAINTENANCE was missing it's third N.

Also check the spelling on your filenames.

The more common reason for this message to be printed is because you forgot to include the directory in which the source file resides. As a result, gcc "thinks" this file does not exist.

You can add the directory using the -I argument to gcc.

In my case I had bone-headedly used commas as separators. To use your example I did this:

a.out: vertex.o, edge.o, elist.o, main.o, vlist.o, enode.o, vnode.o
    g++ vertex.o edge.o elist.o main.o vlist.o enode.o vnode.o

Changing it to the equivalent of

a.out: vertex.o edge.o elist.o main.o vlist.o enode.o vnode.o
    g++ vertex.o edge.o elist.o main.o vlist.o enode.o vnode.o

fixed it.