Terraform - Use nested loops with count

Solution 1:

Terraform doesn't have direct support for this sort of nested iteration, but we can fake it with some arithmetic.

variable "list_of_allowed_accounts" {
  type = "list"
  default = ["1111", "2222"]

variable "list_of_images" {
  type = "list"
  default = ["alpine", "java", "jenkins"]

data "template_file" "ecr_policy_allowed_accounts" {
  count = "${length(var.list_of_allowed_accounts) * length(var.list_of_images)}"

  template = "${file("${path.module}/ecr_policy.tpl")}"

  vars {
    account_id = "${var.list_of_allowed_accounts[count.index / length(var.list_of_images)]}"
    image      = "${var.list_of_images[count.index % length(var.list_of_images)]}"

resource "aws_ecr_repository_policy" "repo_policy_allowed_accounts" {
  count = "${data.template_file.ecr_policy_allowed_accounts.count}"

  repository = "${var.list_of_images[count.index % length(var.list_of_images)]}"
  policy = "${data.template_file.ecr_policy_allowed_accounts.*.rendered[count.index]}"

Since we want to create a policy template for every combination of account and image, the count on the template_file data block is the two multiplied together. We can then use the division and modulo operations to get back from count.index to the separate indices into each list.

Since I didn't have a copy of your policy template I just used a placeholder one; this configuration thus gave the following plan:

+ aws_ecr_respository_policy.repo_policy_allowed_accounts.0
    policy:     "policy allowing 1111 to access alpine"
    repository: "alpine"

+ aws_ecr_respository_policy.repo_policy_allowed_accounts.1
    policy:     "policy allowing 1111 to access java"
    repository: "java"

+ aws_ecr_respository_policy.repo_policy_allowed_accounts.2
    policy:     "policy allowing 1111 to access jenkins"
    repository: "jenkins"

+ aws_ecr_respository_policy.repo_policy_allowed_accounts.3
    policy:     "policy allowing 2222 to access alpine"
    repository: "alpine"

+ aws_ecr_respository_policy.repo_policy_allowed_accounts.4
    policy:     "policy allowing 2222 to access java"
    repository: "java"

+ aws_ecr_respository_policy.repo_policy_allowed_accounts.5
    policy:     "policy allowing 2222 to access jenkins"
    repository: "jenkins"

Each policy instance applies to a different pair of account id and image, covering all combinations.

Solution 2:

The answers here do work (I used them initially), but I think I have a better solution using Terraform's setproduct function. I haven't seen many examples of it used around the interwebs, but setproduct takes two sets (or more importantly, two lists) and produces a list of sets with every permutation of the inputs. In my case I am creating SSM parameters:

variable "list1" {
  type    = "list"
  default = ["outer1", "outer2"]

variable "list2" {
  type    = "list"
  default = ["inner1", "inner2", "inner3"]

locals {
  product = "${setproduct(var.list1, var.list2)}"

resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "params" {
  count     = "${length(var.list1) * length(var.list2)}"
  name      = "/${element(local.product, count.index)[0]}/${element(local.product, count.index)[1]}"
  type      = "String"
  value     = "somevalue"
  overwrite = false
  lifecycle { ignore_changes = ["value"] }

This creates SSM parameters named:


My wimpy little brain can parse this a little easier than the modulo magic in the other answers!

Solution 3:

FYI if anyone comes here from Google, if you are using terraform 0.12, you will need to use the floor function anywhere you do divide, or else you will get an error about partial indexes.

account_id = var.list_of_allowed_accounts[floor(count.index / length(var.list_of_images))]