How can I make my windows "burn" when I close them?

I have CompizConfig Settings Manager installed, but I don't know how to make windows burn when I close them. How can I make this so?

Solution 1:

  • Install CompizConfig Settings Manager, and Compiz-Plugins-Extra.

    sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

    • Warning: What are some of the issues with CCSM and why would I want to avoid it?

    sudo apt-get install compiz-plugins-extra

  • Launch CompizConfig Settings Manager by searching from the dash in Unity, or Preferences > CompizConfig Settings Manager in Ubuntu Classic.

  • Enable Animations, and Animations Add-On.

enter image description here

  • Open Animations, and switch to the Close Animation tab.

enter image description here

  • Double-click the first item in the list.

enter image description here

  • A new window will appear, change the Close Effect to Burn.

enter image description here

Please make sure you have the cellphone number of the nearest Fire Brigade available, because your system is about to catch fire... literally.

Solution 2:

Just do it from Synaptic

Search for compiz-fusion-plugins-extra package

When you see it just mark it for install and a few seconds and here you are all effects are shown up

Solution 3:

OK first you need to install the "CompizConfig Settings Manager" either go to the Ubuntu Software Centre and install the Advanced Desktop Effects Settings (CCSM),

or use the command:

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

When that is done go to the System > Preferences and start the CompizConfig-settings Manager

Go to the Effects section and enable the Animations Add-on.

You can then go into the Effect settings by clicking on the name to the right of the check box, under the Burn heading are all the options to tweak the animation. Hours of pointless fun playing with this.