How can I access a JavaScript object which has spaces in the object's key?

I have a JavaScript object that looks something like this:

var myTextOptions = {
  'cartoon': {
     comic: 'Calvin & Hobbes',
     published: '1993'
  'character names': {
    kid: 'Calvin',
    tiger: 'Hobbes'

I can access the properties of cartoon easily using myTextOptions.cartoon.comic or whatever. However, I haven't been able to get the syntax right for accessing kid. I've tried the following with no luck:

myTextOptions.character names.kid
myTextOptions."character names".kid
myTextOptions.character\ names.kid
myTextOptions.'character names'.kid
myTextOptions.["character names"].kid

Use ECMAscripts "bracket notation":

myTextOptions[ 'character names' ].kid;

You can use that notation either way, reading & writting.

For more information read out here:


Properties of JavaScript objects can also be accessed or set using a bracket notation (for more details see property accessors). Objects are sometimes called associative arrays since each property is associated with a string value that can be used to access it. So, for example, you could access the properties of the myCar object as follows:

myCar['make'] = 'Ford';
myCar['model'] = 'Mustang';
myCar['year'] = 1969;

For more, read on at Working with JS Objects.

So in your case it's myTextOptions['character names'].kid;

We can also do this by -

myTextOptions[ 'character names' ]['kid'];

This is useful when we have consecutive keys which consist of space.

Let me share my solution here I am using VueJs with type script.

I got following json to parse and display in UI

    "Brand": "MAMA",
    "Variety": "Instant Noodles Coconut Milk Flavour",
    "Style": "Pack",
    "Country": "Myanmar",
    "Stars": 5,
    "Top Ten": "2016 #10"

I have created the following model interfere in Typescript

export interface Resto {
    Brand: string;
    Variety: string;
    Style: string;
    Country: string;
    Stars: any;
    Top_Ten: string;

I have called the API as:

   public async getListOfRestos() {
    return (await fetch(
        method: "get",
        credentials: "include",
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/json",
        body: undefined
    )) as IFetchResponse<Resto[]>;

Used in JSX like:

 <div class="parent" v-for="(x,i) in listOfRestos" :key="i">
      <div>{{x['Top Ten']}}</div>

Same can also work in React and Angular.