GIMP crashes immediately after starting

There is a known issue with the Xenial gimp and gegl-0.3 that produces these errors and perhaps some of the instability you are seeing:

  • Bug 770848 - Gimp 2.8.X with gegl-0.3 compiles, but causes lots of startup warnings
  • Launchpad - Lots of GEGL-gegl-operation.c-WARNING on starting gimp

You will have to live with this I suspect as the alternatives of recompiling against a lesser version gegl look a little cumbersome.

If your machine is not used for production work and you want to live on the potentailly bleeding edge there is a PPA for the development version of gimp that does not show this error.

Warning: this version of gimp will not always work and should not be used on a production machine!!!

Add the PPA and the newer gimp as follows:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp-edge
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gimp

The version of gimp installed in this manner did not have the crazy Terminal errors and has been quite stable so far on my system:

Click for full sized image... Click for full sized image...

Two further notes:

  1. If you find that this particular iteration on the development cycle is quite stable (and this has been my experience so far) perhaps pin this version and avoid further updates:

    sudo apt-mark hold gimp
  2. If you go this path spend a little time, as I have done, to sort out the initial dark background and icon themes. The opening themes do not sell gimp at all well :).