Ubuntu 16.04 vs Ubuntu 16.10 [closed]

Short Answer: Upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Medium Answer: Upgrade to 16.10 only if you are certain there is something in 16.10 that you can't have in 16.04. For example, your hardware is not fully supported in 16.04, so you need the newer kernel in 16.10 for all your hardware to work.

Long Answer: Upgrade to neither. Do a clean install of 16.04 in a spare partition. A good set-up will be:

  • Make a separate /home partition, if you haven't done so already with 15.10.
  • You will end up with 4 partitions: swap, root0 (15.10), empty root1 (16.04) and home.
  • root partition don't have to be big, about 10 to 16 GB each will be enough.
  • install 16.04 to the empty spare root partition. Point to the existing /home partition during installation. Make sure to tell the installer NOT to format the /home partition. Specify a different user name if you want to keep 15.10 data untouched by 16.04.

The beauty of this set-up is you don't ever have to ask this question again. You can install the newer version while keeping your current installation. This allows you to take your time customizing and/or evaluating the newer version. It also ensures that you have a working system if something goes wrong with the newer installation.

Assuming you finally migrated to the newer version, the old root partition now becomes your spare partition. When a newer version is released, you can repeat the same process over and over again, ad infinitum.