Is there a limit on the number of Macs that can use a single 2TB Time Capsule?

I am looking at buying a few of the 2TB Time Capsules for our office, where we have about 20 unibody MacBook Pros with 128GB SSDs.

Is there a limit on the number of Macs that a single 2TB Time Capsule can provide Time Machine backup targets to? Does anyone have advice or experience regarding using a Time Capsule as a target for multiple machines?

Solution 1:

According to this post on Apple's product page for the Time Capsule, up to 100 machines can use a single Time Capsule. The source of the "100" is not accredited, so it may not be accurate.

Solution 2:

There shouldn’t be any technical limit other than hard drive space. Each backup gets stored in different directories inside the volume. However, I’m sure you’d start running out of space fast if you have more than two-three machines that actively create/edit data.

Solution 3:

I would take care with having several Time Capsules as you will then have several Wireless networks and you need to work out how they interconnect.

It might be better to get some NAS and run Time Machine on that e.g. Netgear or even a Mac and run OS X server on that.