Word for prematurely calling a middle-aged person old? [closed]

My title may not completely reflect the meaning I am trying to get across.

I am writing a card for my dad (who is 58 this year) to go alongside a gift I am getting him. I know he enjoys shooting, but he is finding is harder due to a lasting injury to his left arm he sustained some time ago, so am getting him a shooting stick (specifics not really relevant).

Basically, he could take it that I am patronizing (this is the word I am unhappy about) him, and I would like to make a jokey reference to this in the card. So far I've written;

Have a great day - I hope the present is suitable (and not too ...)

I would like to write something along the lines of patronizing or belittling, but these do not feel right to me, but I cannot think of the word I would actually like to use.


Solution 1:

Perhaps one of the following









focused on your advancing decrepitude

Solution 2:

Possible additions to the list by @bib

  • mortifying
  • undignified
  • tactless
  • inelegant
  • tasteless