Install failed: "SuiteSparseQR.hpp: No such file or directory"

I want to install a program that requires (among other things) SuiteSparse.

I installed SuiteSparse -> no errors,

typed "cmake ." -> no errors

then "make" -> [./././.]/build/../include/Array2D.h:38:48: fatal error: SuiteSparseQR.hpp: No such file or directory

Does anyone know why? If it was not installed during the install of SuiteSparse, can/should it be installed separately?

The actual location is /usr/include/suitesparse/SuiteSparseQR.hpp

The Array2D.h file assumes the location /usr/include/SuiteSparseQR.hpp

To solve the problem,

  1. Open the file ../include/Array2D.h in a text editor.

    nano ../include/Array2D.h
  2. Find the line

    \#include "SuiteSparseQR.hpp"    // for in-paint
  3. Change it to

    \#include "suitesparse/SuiteSparseQR.hpp"    // for in-paint