Sorry to make another one of these posts, but I've dug through at least a dozen other threads and no other solution has worked for me. My problem also seems to be slightly different.

Task Manager

As you can see, I'm using 100% of disk usage, which is causing my computer to be extremely slow, but it doesn't appear that any process is actually using the disk to an significant degree.

I have had this problem on and off for about a year now with a desktop gaming PC I've had for about two years. Storage is on a 2tb hard disk, with a 128gb ssd being used for SSD Caching. I've never figured out what makes the problem start or go away, the problem appears to happen when I boot the computer up every once in a while, I typically try and fail to fix it, and it eventually goes away, sometimes after a restart, sometimes not.

Some things I've tried:

1) Changing the paging file size as per this thread:

2) disabling superfetch and windows search

3) updating drivers (I think I've updated just about everything...)

3) restarting. Like a lot.

Thanks in advance.

Solution 1:

After hours of continuing to dig through forums, I finally found the culprit. For some reason, my SSD caching was causing the problem. I have no idea why this would be, and why the problem would occur only sporadically, but disabling SSD caching appears to have had an immediate and dramatic effect.