Is there now a cap on Gold Find % in Diablo 3? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Here's a blue post from the official Diablo 3 forums:

The Magic Find and Gold Find percentages for both follower contributions and Fortune Shrine bonuses are intended to respect the 300% MF/GF cap. Nephalem Valor bonuses will continue to stack beyond this cap, however.

That said, we’ve seen some posts that MF/GF contributions from followers may currently be stacking above the cap, and we’re looking into those reports.

Another more visible place where this was announced is the blog post that first introduced the Paragon leveling system.

With the Paragon system in place, we’re capping Magic Find and Gold Find to 300% (before Nephalem Valor).

So yes, the gold cap is 300% before Nephalim Valor and cannot be exceeded with followers or shrines.

Solution 2:

The cap on Gold and Magic Find Bonuses is now 300%, as of the 1.0.4 patch. This is before Nephalem Valor is factored in. With a full stack of NV, Gold and Magic Find bonuses can get up to 375%.

This change was made as part of the Paragon System introduced in Patch 1.0.4.

The linked article includes rationale for the change, if you are interested. The relevant section is titled "… What Was That About Magic Find On Items?"