Why can't we lock on a value type?

I was trying to lock a Boolean variable when I encountered the following error :

'bool' is not a reference type as required by the lock statement

It seems that only reference types are allowed in lock statements, but I'm not sure I understand why.

Andreas is stating in his comment:

When [a value type] object is passed from one thread to the other, a copy is made, so the threads end up working on 2 different objects, which is safe.

Is it true? Does that mean that when I do the following, I am in fact modifying two different x in the xToTrue and the xToFalse method?

public static class Program {

    public static Boolean x = false;

    static void Main(string[] args) {

        var t = new Thread(() => xToTrue());
        // ...

    private static void xToTrue() {
        Program.x = true;

    private static void xToFalse() {
        Program.x = false;

(this code alone is clearly useless in its state, it is only for the example)

P.S: I know about this question on How to properly lock a value type. My question is not related to the how but to the why.

Solution 1:

Just a wild guess here...

but if the compiler let you lock on a value type, you would end up locking nothing at all... because each time you passed the value type to the lock, you would be passing a boxed copy of it; a different boxed copy. So the locks would be as if they were entirely different objects. (since, they actually are)

Remember that when you pass a value type for a parameter of type object, it gets boxed (wrapped) into a reference type. This makes it a brand-new object each time this happens.

Solution 2:

You cannot lock a value type because it doesn't have a sync root record.

Locking is performed by CLR and OS internals mechanisms that rely upon an object having a record that can only be accessed by a single thread at a time - sync block root. Any reference type would have:

  • Pointer to a type
  • Sync block root
  • Pointer to the instance data in heap

Solution 3:

It expands to:

try {
finally {

Although they would compile, Monitor.Enter/Exit require a reference type because a value type would be boxed to a different object instance each time so each call to Enter and Exit would be operating on different objects.

From the MSDN Enter method page:

Use Monitor to lock objects (that is, reference types), not value types. When you pass a value type variable to Enter, it is boxed as an object. If you pass the same variable to Enter again, it is boxed as a separate object, and the thread does not block. In this case, the code that Monitor is supposedly protecting is not protected. Furthermore, when you pass the variable to Exit, still another separate object is created. Because the object passed to Exit is different from the object passed to Enter, Monitor throws SynchronizationLockException. For more information, see the conceptual topic Monitors.

Solution 4:

I was wondering why the .Net team decided to limit developers and allow Monitor operate on references only. First, you think it would be good to lock against a System.Int32 instead of defining a dedicated object variable just for locking purpose, these lockers don't do anything else usually.

But then it appears that any feature provided by the language must have strong semantics not just be useful for developers. So semantics with value-types is that whenever a value-type appears in code its expression is evaluated to a value. So, from semantic point of view, if we write `lock (x)' and x is a primitive value type then it's the same as we would say "lock a block of critical code agaist the value of the variable x" which sounds more than strange, for sure :). Meanwhile, when we meet ref variables in code we are used to think "Oh, it's a reference to an object" and imply that the reference can be shared between code blocks, methods, classes and even threads and processes and thus can serve as a guard.

In two words, value type variables appear in code only to be evaluated to their actual value in each and every expression - nothing more.

I guess that's one of the main points.

Solution 5:

If you're asking conceptually why this isn't allowed, I would say the answer stems from the fact that a value type's identity is exactly equivalent to its value (that's what makes it a value type).

So anyone anywhere in the universe talking about the int 4 is talking about the same thing - how then can you possibly claim exclusive access to lock on it?