Google Cloud Compute set /20 subnet mask to internal interface

I haven't found a way around the netmask issue on google cloud, but I did find that the IPA project has addressed this issue and released an update just to make it compatible with GCloud. ipa version 4.4.2 and later will not have this issue. however, as of this moment, that version is not backported to centos.

here is the patch information to resolve manually.

Here is the actual bug report at ipa project website.

Here is the bug that I filed with google regarding the network connectivity aspect.

Just putting all this out there so anyone else having this problem can find some answers.

For anyone getting here from a Google search, here's what I found in GCE documentation. Verbatim quote:

To configure interfaces with a netmask other than /32, you should create an image using the flag --guest-os-features MULTI_IP_SUBNET and use it to create your instance. For example, if you are using a debian-9 based image, you can create an image using following command:

gcloud compute images create debian-9-multi-ip-subnet \
     --source-disk debian-9-disk \
     --source-disk-zone us-west1-a \
     --guest-os-features MULTI_IP_SUBNET