How to display localhost traffic in Fiddler while debugging an ASP.NET application?

Solution 1:

try using this:


instead of


this also works with ports


Here is link to fiddler documentation

Solution 2:

To make Fiddler work on localhost with IIS Express you should use this form of URL


This puts correct Host header value (localhost) which satisfies IIS Express.

Solution 3:

Start Fiddler. Go to Tools--> Fiddler Options. Choose Connections tab. Check the 'USe PAC Script' option.

Now you will be able to monitor local traffic as well

Solution 4:

For an ASP.NET web site project:

1) Right-click the project and select Property Pages
2) Select Start Options
3) Under the Server section, click the "Use custom server" and edit the Base URL by replacing localhost with your computer's name.