How do I get the "best" ending?

Some endings are clearly better than others. For instance, in my ending, I chose to blame Norman for everything, even though that clearly contradicts most of what I saw throughout the game. Also, the dead bodies at the start, and the reason for waking up in that house to begin with, were never explained.

Is there a "best" ending, where these things are explained? If so, how do I get it?

Solution 1:

Here's a quote from the game developer:

It’s not choose-your-own-adventure, it’s make-your-own-adventure. It’s not a game where there are 15 endings, you get ending A to Z and that’s the ending you get. It’s more that, between the beginning and the end, stuff happens that will reflect how you perceive a bunch of other things.

Which really means there is no best ending.