More chances to get legendary items [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Diablo 3 - Drop rates for set / legendary items

I have been doing hours and hours farming in Inferno Act 1 and 2, and occasionally in Act 3 up to Siege Breaker, but so far I haven't had any good luck getting decent legendary items, let alone any set items.

I understand that the drop rate of legendary items is extremely rare, but even so, I think I could have done better than that.

So here I am asking a question, how am I able to farm legendary items more efficiently? Are there any particular events that probably have better chances to drop legendary / set items?

Thanks in advance for any tips and suggestions.

Solution 1:

As yx already wrote, the best you can do is increase your Magic Find since this directly increases the drop rate. If your equipment (or Nephalem Valor) grants you, say, 100% MF, it will double the probabilities of getting legendaries (as well as rare and magic items). Keep in mind that, as you say, the drop rates are low. Following the preivous example, if a mob has a chance of 0,01% of droping a legendary, with your 100%MF the drop rate will increase to 0,02%.

That´s where the second advice of yx comes in: kill fast! The more you kill, the more times you have the chance of droping a legendary.

As a side note, try to farm as far in the game as possible (as long asyou are confortable playing): monsters in later acts tend to drop more good items so, although you could still be unluky, legendaries droped from monsters in acts 3 and 4 will probably have a higher item level than those from earlier acts.

Here is a link to the game guide with more information about the magic find, in case you find it useful.

Happy farming!

EDIT: in ayckoster's answer to this other question you can find more info about legendary items' drop rates.