svn over HTTP proxy [closed]

Solution 1:

In /etc/subversion/servers you are setting http-proxy-host, which has nothing to do with svn:// which connects to a different server usually running on port 3690 started by svnserve command.

If you have access to the server, you can setup svn+ssh:// as explained here.

Update: You could also try using connect-tunnel, which uses your HTTPS proxy server to tunnel connections:

connect-tunnel -P -T

Then you would use

svn checkout svn://localhost:10234/path/to/trunk

Solution 2:

Ok, this should be really easy:

$ sudo vi /etc/subversion/servers

Edit the file:


Save it, run svn again and it will work.

Solution 3:

If you can get SSH to it you can an SSH Port-forwarded SVN server.

Use SSHs -L ( or -R , I forget, it always confuses me ) to make an ssh tunnel so that is really connecting to remote:3690 over the ssh tunnel, and then you can use it via

svn co svn://