Is it possible to execute two different maven exec-maven-plugin in a single POM

I execute the following code using mvn exec:java com.mycompany.FooServer.

I would like to add another server which I can execute like mvn exec:java com.mycompany.BarServer.

How do I do that within a single pom file?


Solution 1:

Try this. You can have more than one execution under executions. All you need to do is move the configuration element under the execution. The plugin has configuration, but each execution can also have a separate configuration element.


With Maven 3.3.1 and up, you can run an execution by its ID using

mvn exec:java@id

In this case the commands would be mvn exec:java@first-execution and mvn exec:java@second-execution. See this answer for more details.

Solution 2:

@tieTYT: You can select the execution by id using two distinct profiles:

mvn test -Pmanager

mvn test -Pproxy


Solution 3:

With maven > 3.3.1 it is possible to specify the execution id as:

mvn exec:java@execId

Solution 4:

For me including configuration in the execution block didn't work and maven complained about main class not being set. But inspired by Dario's answer I'd answer this question as follows:


Which then allows you to run one or the other server using:

mvn exec:java -Pfoo


mvn exec:java -Pbar


Solution 5:

I find the solution: I put <configuration> in <execution>

you can use mvn clean test -Pfoo,bar
