stuck in tty1 because of changes in fstab-file

Recentley i installed another linux distro on another partition on my SSD disk. During the instalation i reinstalled grub on the computer, and ever since my Ubuntu OS has been very slow to boot up. This has never been an issue before , and im very qurious to find out what is causing it.

Before this, the boot has been very fast. As soon as i log in the ssd seems to work fine, no change i behaviour.

I reinstalled grub on my ubuntu distro and now grub displayes Ubuntu and an old linux mint distro i have deleted to make room for a new one.

I followwed another solution changing the UUID in /etc/fstab, by baking up the original and creating a new one.

I ran:

sudo vim /etc/fstab

This file was empty so I entered the UUID for the swap memory partition. Now I'm stuck in tty1.

I've tried to reinstall Ubuntu desktop, ctrl + alt +f7, tried to run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart nothing works. I've checked a lot of similar issues "stuck in tty1" etc. nothing is working.

Trying to fix the /etc/fstab.bak file by running:

sudo cp /etc/fstab.bak /etc/fstab

is not working beacause i only get "read-only" in the tty1 output. Please help, i dont want to reinstall my OS.

Update: I tried following this answer, but every terminal command in the answer gives output like: this doesnt exist, no such directory etc.

I've looked at several similar tty1 issues/post and i'm still stuck.

Well you didn't have to follow the steps from my answer exactly. But here is a detailed way to recover your system from the slow boot:

  1. Undo the GRUB modification:

    • Open GRUB:

      sudo nano /etc/default/grub
    • Change this line:



      GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"
    • Now save the file and exit: Ctrl + O, then Enter and Ctrl + X.

    • Update GRUB:

      sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
  2. Now, open a terminal and type:

    sudo blkid

    and note down the UUID of your swap partition. The output will have a line that looks something like:

    /dev/sda6: UUID="727cac18-044b-4504-87f1-a5aefa774bda" TYPE="swap" PARTUUID="8rof66hg-12"

ITS BETTER TO COPY THE UUID PART FROM THE ABOVE OUTPUT, i.e., 727cac18-044b-4504-87f1-a5aefa774bda


    sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
    • 3a. Next, open your etc/fstab file:

      sudo nano /etc/fstab
  2. Repalce the UUID of the existing swap partition with the one that you copied earlier, i.e., change

    UUID=whateverishere none        swap        defaults    0 0


    UUID=727cac18-044b-4504-87f1-a5aefa774bda   none        swap        defaults    0 0
  3. Now save the file and exit: Ctrl + O, then Enter and Ctrl + X.

  4. Reboot.