Create a folder "Photo" inside all directories recursively

I have a bunch of folders and I want to loop over all those folders and in each folder create another folder named "Photo"


I want to have:


You can achieve it using a single find call.

find . -name 'Photo' -prune -o -type d -exec mkdir {}/Photo \;

The part -name 'Photo' -prune -o tells to not recurse to existing (and newly created) Photo directories: If the found file (or directory) has the name Photo, stop processing it (-prune). In the other case (-o), continue with directories (-type d) and execute (-exec) the command.

You could pass find results to while instead of for since this way it won't break if the filenames have spaces

First cd to the directory F1, then do:

find -type d | while read dir ; do mkdir "$dir"/Photo ; done

If the directory exists, mkdir will just refuse to create it, so no problem there...

If your directory names could contain newlines, or other exotic strangeness, use this which can deal with arbitrary names:

find -type d -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' dir ; do mkdir "$dir"/Photo ; done

Thanks to @terdon for help with this :)

From the directory just above F1 run this script:

The purpose of the script is to avoid having redundant photo directories created under photo directories.

Also, it's design to prevent accidentally running it from a wrong location such as the user's root directory, whereas it wouldn't see the F1 directory and mistakenly create hundreds of photo directories in the wrong palaces.

Also, it was my intentions to make an easy to follow script so the user could customize it.


while IFS= read -r -d '' i;
    if [[ ! -d $i/Photo ]]; then
        # Filter to skip folders named Photo
        thisfolder="$(echo $i | sed "s/.*\///")"
        if [[ ! $thisfolder == "Photo" ]]; then
            mkdir "$i/Photo"
done < <(find F1 -type d -print0)

Script Updated:

  • Changed the lower case p in photo to upper case.
  • Added support for non-stander filesnames (with suggestions from Terdon).