Ubuntu 16.04 apt-get doesn't provide conky-all from Ubuntu 14.04

Looks like it is fairly straightforward to use the older version under Xenial and a big 'thanks' to Cory Goldberg for this information. I have modified Cory's method in quite a few places:

  1. Remove any existing version of conky:

    sudo apt-get remove --purge conky-std conky-all
  2. Download the older version of the conky-all package:

    wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/c/conky/conky-all_1.9.0-6build1_amd64.deb
  3. Install with gdebi:

    sudo apt-get install gdebi
    sudo gdebi conky-all_1.9.0-6build1_amd64.deb
  4. Lock or pin your older version to prevent the Repository installing the newer version next time you update:

    sudo apt-mark hold conky-all

And then enjoy your older version of conky :)

Below is a screenshot of the 'pinned' older version of Conky on Xenial, seen in my old friend Synaptic, the exclamation mark signifying that the package is 'pinned':

enter image description here


  • Cory Goldberg: What The Heck Happened To Conky? (I'm rolling back to 1.9)