Mouse pointer disappears in Ubuntu 16.04

Solution 1:

have the same problem after upgrading to 16.04. Often the mouse pointer will disappear. I found a way to get round this by restarting lightdm:

sudo service lightdm restart

but it's not a fix solution, since each time I have to type the command again.

So I changed lightdm to gdm:

sudo apt-get install gdm

Solution 2:

This fixed for me on Ubuntu 19.04:

gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active false

Solution 3:

On my laptop running Ubuntu 16.04, the mouse pointer disappeared frequently.

My problem was: The mouse pointer seemed to disappear when I moved to the right side of the screen. It then appeared after say 3 to 5 seconds after moving the mouse up, down, left, right. This was quite annoying when doing work on the computer.

The solution was:

Click Dash (upper left corner) and type "system settings". Click "System Settings", then All Settings > Displays If its as of my case, you will see a box call Unknown Display to the left of Built in Display in a big box with grey background

Click on unknown display and de-activate it by turning off the button just below the grey box.

I found the answer here (Thanks to Justin Samuel!).