Installing ClipBucket but installation cannot find ffmpeg

I am running the installation of ClipBucket and I have installed ffmpeg. I rerun the installation to refresh the requirements and it continues to show:

Unable to find ffmpeg

If I do a find of ffmpeg, I find it though:

:~$ sudo find / -type f -name "ffmpeg"

I am using Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS with Plesk. Do I need to do something with Plesk for this to be seen by the web page?

I am not a pro when it comes to Ubuntu so I'm not sure where to look not or what to do.

Solution 1:

My suspicion is that you have installed FFmpeg in a location that ClipBucket does not look. I do not know ClipBucket at all but there are instructions here for adding in a non-standard $PATH.

If this does not work you need to add the location of FFmpeg to your $PATH, and you should really do this anyway on a well setup system. There are 2 options:

1. Change the local $PATH:

Add the following to your ~/.profile file:

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/ffmpeg/bin

Then run the following command:

source ~/.profile

But this will only have effect for an individual user, you may very well need to make a system change to affect all users:

2. Change the system $PATH:

Add the following to your /etc/environment file:


Add this to the end of the existing $PATH statement so that the whole line will look something like this:


You will need to use sudo and your favorite editor to edit this file and don't forget to log out and back in for this to take effect.

3. Testing:

I tested these changes on my own system, the results can be seen with either technique by using the following command:

andrew@corinth:~$ echo $PATH

And you can see that now your $PATH is extended and your application should be able to see FFmpeg...

Further Reading:

  • ClipBucket Docs: FFMpeg