How to use JavaFX 2 SDK in Eclipse?

There are two options:

1) EDIT: Since 7u35 (or smth near it) JavaFX was included into base JDK classpath so you can use JavaFX classes right away.

Just set up your projects to use fx libs:

JavaFX 2.0 API is pure Java. So you can create a new Java project and add sdk-path/rt/lib/jfxrt.jar to libraries to use JavaFX in that project.

For cobundled builds in JDK7 path would be next jdk-path/jre/lib/jfxrt.jar

2) Use e(fx)clipse plugin:

You can use e(fx)clipse! You can find it here:

After download you must to configure the IDE with your JavaFX SDK(must be installed).

All you need to do is to open Window > Preferences > JavaFX and configure the location of your JavaFX-SDK.

You ussualy have it in Program Files > Oracle.

Hope this will help you!

Based on Sergey Grinev solution, I noticed that we can define this once for all java projects.

  1. Go to Preferences -> Java build path
  2. Select the jvm which is supposed to support javaFx (but whose feature is not yet recognized in Eclipse) and Edit it
  3. Add the sdk-path/rt/lib/jfxrt.jar to it

This way, all your java projects based on this JVM version can support JavaFx and even your older projects (Select each project build path and eventually replace the old jvm with the jvm that you've just edited)

To access JavaFx in Java8 with Eclipse Luna (4.4):

Go to Build Path/ JRE/ Access rules/ Edit/ Add/ Accessible: javafx/**

This seems better than editing the classpath file manually or adding the JAR (again) to the build path.