Installing MATLAB 2016a onto ubuntu 16.04?

  1. If unzip command isn't already installed in your system, run:

    sudo apt-get install unzip
  2. Go to the directory you downloaded Matlab .zip file:

    cd /path/to/download/directory
  3. Unzip the file:

    unzip -d matlab_destination_directory
  4. Navigate to matlab_destination_directory:

    cd matlab_destination_directory
  5. Run the Matlab installer:

  6. Follow these installation steps from the vendor.

Important hint: The MATLAB installation wizard may get stuck creating the installation directory (by default /usr/local/MATLAB/R2016a) because it does not have enough write permissions. If that happens, the easy solution is to run the Matlab installer as a super user

sudo ./install

A useful post regarding this issue in particular is here: How to get permissions to a folder in an installation process?