Passing references to pointers in C++

Solution 1:

Your function expects a reference to an actual string pointer in the calling scope, not an anonymous string pointer. Thus:

string s;
string* _s = &s;

should compile just fine.

However, this is only useful if you intend to modify the pointer you pass to the function. If you intend to modify the string itself you should use a reference to the string as Sake suggested. With that in mind it should be more obvious why the compiler complains about you original code. In your code the pointer is created 'on the fly', modifying that pointer would have no consequence and that is not what is intended. The idea of a reference (vs. a pointer) is that a reference always points to an actual object.

Solution 2:

The problem is that you're trying to bind a temporary to the reference, which C++ doesn't allow unless the reference is const.

So you can do one of either the following:

void myfunc(string*& val)
    // Do stuff to the string pointer

void myfunc2(string* const& val)
    // Do stuff to the string pointer

int main()
// sometime later 
    // ...
    string s;
    string* ps = &s;

    myfunc( ps);   // OK because ps is not a temporary
    myfunc2( &s);  // OK because the parameter is a const&
    // ...

    return 0;

Solution 3:

Change it to:

  std::string s;
  std::string* pS = &s;


This is called ref-to-pointer and you cannot pass temporary address as a reference to function. ( unless it is const reference).

Though, I have shown std::string* pS = &s; (pointer to a local variable), its typical usage would be : when you want the callee to change the pointer itself, not the object to which it points. For example, a function that allocates memory and assigns the address of the memory block it allocated to its argument must take a reference to a pointer, or a pointer to pointer:

void myfunc(string*& val)
//val is valid even after function call
   val = new std::string("Test");


Solution 4:


void myfunc(string& val)
    // Do stuff to the string pointer

// sometime later 
    // ...
    string s;
    // ...


void myfunc(string* val)
    // Do stuff to the string pointer

// sometime later 
    // ...
    string s;
    // ...