How to create Document objects with JavaScript

Solution 1:

There are two methods defined in specifications, createDocument from DOM Core Level 2 and createHTMLDocument from HTML5. The former creates an XML document (including XHTML), the latter creates a HTML document. Both reside, as functions, on the DOMImplementation interface.

var impl    = document.implementation,
    xmlDoc  = impl.createDocument(namespaceURI, qualifiedNameStr, documentType),
    htmlDoc = impl.createHTMLDocument(title);

In reality, these methods are rather young and only implemented in recent browser releases. According to and MDN, the following browsers support createHTMLDocument:

  • Chrome 4
  • Opera 10
  • Firefox 4
  • Internet Explorer 9
  • Safari 4

Interestingly enough, you can (kind of) create a HTML document in older versions of Internet Explorer, using ActiveXObject:

var htmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("htmlfile");

The resulting object will be a new document, which can be manipulated just like any other document.

Solution 2:

Assuming you are trying to create a fully parsed Document object from a string of markup and a content-type you also happen to know (maybe because you got the html from an xmlhttprequest, and thus got the content-type in its Content-Type http header; probably usually text/html) – it should be this easy:

var doc = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(markup, mime_type);

in an ideal future world where browser DOMParser implementations are as strong and competent as their document rendering is – maybe that's a good pipe dream requirement for future HTML6 standards efforts. It turns out no current browsers do, though.

You probably have the easier (but still messy) problem of having a string of html you want to get a fully parsed Document object for. Here is another take on how to do that, which also ought to work in all browsers – first you make a HTML Document object:

var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('');

and then populate it with your html fragment:;

Now you should have a fully parsed DOM in doc, which you can run alert(doc.title) on, slice with css selectors like doc.querySelectorAll('p') or ditto XPath using doc.evaluate.

This actually works in modern WebKit browsers like Chrome and Safari (I just tested in Chrome 22 and Safari 6 respectively) – here is an example that takes the current page's source code, recreates it in a new document variable src, reads out its title, overwrites it with a html quoted version of the same source code and shows the result in an iframe:

Sadly, I don't think any other contemporary browsers have quite as solid implementations yet.

Solution 3:

Per the spec (doc), one may use the createHTMLDocument method of DOMImplementation, accessible via document.implementation as follows:

var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('My title');  
var body = document.createElementNS('', 'body'); 
// and so on
  • jsFiddle:
  • MDN document for DOMImplementation:
  • MDN document for DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument: